
404 error Not Found on TEMP url http://serverIP/~username/ The temporary webpage url may not work (for security reasons). If you get an error page you'll... After every reboot, all the services fail and restart for the first few minutes, is this normal? (cPanel servers and Vps) Yes, this is normal, and happens on all servers. After a reboot, you will see some or all... Basic tar usage As you probably know tar is designed to store and extract files from an archive file (a tarfile).... Can I host adult content on your web hosting? Yes, as long as it's legal adult material (no child porn or weird things). Can you install a script on my account? Yes, we can install any standard script for a one time fee of 15$. Most scripts can be... Can you transfer my website from my old web hosting company? For us to be able to move your website from your old web hosting company we will need the... Can't create/write to file '/tmp/ (Errcode: 30) This does apply to cPanel servers only!   Stop all processes that have files open on /tmp such... Cannot modify update settings in Windows Vps The steps below should unlock the automatic updates controls so you can manage them as you... CentOS Linux install and configure NTP to synchronize the system clock Login as the root userType the following command to install ntp# yum install ntp Turn on service#... Cpanel / SuPHP – chmod All Files 644, All folders 755 When switching from DSO to SUPHP in cpanel (a must for anyone who takes security seriously on a... Do you do backups? Yes, daily on all shared and reseller accounts! Vps and dedicated server's backups are client's... Enabling second level quota on an OpenVZ node This is quite common, you have a cPanel (or others) vps and disk usage on accounts shows... Getting passive FTP connections to work through a firewall properly (VPS and Dedi common problem) Introduction: So you installed a firewall, but it seems to have crippled passive ftp connections.... How can I restore my account backup from my old host? If you have a backup of your account that has been generated by cPanel, we can restore it for you... How long does it take to setup dedicated server? Average is 2/3 working days for US and UK servers, 24 hours for FR, IT, DE and NL servers. (non... How long does it take to setup my shared/reseller/VPS account? Your web hosting package is activated immediatly after the payment, provided that the order... How to change welcome message on CentOS All you need to do is to edit the file /etc/motd Ssh into your server nano   /etc/motd  (if... How to create a phpinfo.php page You can use a phpinfo page to view the current PHP information for your server. This file outputs... How to link a domain to your hosting package? I’ve Purchased a Domain Name, and some hosting (with a separate company). How do I link the... I need more disc space/bandwidth Go into the billing area -> my services -> click on the left of your product and order an... I want to cancel my account Clients Area -> Services -> Service details -> Request Cancellation I'm not receiving emails (welcome, activation, tickets, any billing email...)   You're probably using Hotmail, Yahoo or some other email provider with strong antispam... Install git on CentOS cpanel server Problem:   git- from epel has depsolving problems --> Missing Dependency:... Internal server error with 777 chmodded folders and files For PHP applications to access MySQL databases or upload (write) files to site folder(s), the... SSH Commands - List This is a list of common ssh commands. Useful for server owners :)   ls Displays...
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