Can you transfer my website from my old web hosting company?

For us to be able to move your website from your old web hosting company we will need the following information: URL used to login to your old web hosting company control panel, username & password for your old web hosting company. You should send this information in a ticket from our support system.

There is no estimated time while we transfer your web hosting account as there are lots of things that come to count such as the size of your web hosting account; the processing speed of the old server; the internet speed of the old server and the size of your web hosting account.

Our transfers team will make every effort to help you move your site to us, however, we can not make guarantees of the transfer process. We provide this as a courtesy service and can not make guarantees regarding its availability or the amount of time it may take as each host is configured a little differently. We will try our best, however, in some cases we may be unable to assist you in a transfer of data from an old host.

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